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Wednesday, February 11, 2009


nxt week vry stressed leh.... got 3 tests=(
elements,compounds,mixture, sepereatioin tech.
indices[my worse], surd and coordinate geo=(
practical test oso......

sian i thinnk my history oso dieee lah...[dun understand anything at all=(]

but lucky today still not that bad=) and it is only today den i knew that crystabelle's gramar is as bad as me wheee!!!! lols^^ during bio prac lesson, we were answering a ques and she said my answer is grammatically wrong-.-" but after she showed me her answer, i realise she is even more 'pro' than me haha=) n instead of asking me how much time left, she asked hoow many tyms left o.o pro english.... ^^ haha crys dun angry kk haha, is u reminded me to post about u through sms heh=)

shall end here bah=)

writtern @5:41 AM

Sunday, February 1, 2009

SIAN!!! trying to memorise the 50 cheng yus but it seems to go into my brain and also go out from my brain lols[ quite sad leh...] no mood le lor, so shall post a post now bah.....

Fri[30th Jan]:
Went to school and had lessons till 145pm, but still considered an not too bad day for me since i onli almost fell asleep during 2 diff. lessons, quite a great improvement haha[ compared other days when my brain went dead quite alot of tyms o.o]
then had Guides at 220=) firstly we had jie pt[ running rnd the junior high blk and did some circuits o.o], felt quite happy cause i didn't fall out haha^^
den aft tt we had patrol coner cum fun games=) we combined with p2 and played human knots + dog and bone:
- human knots:
haiz looks lyk im quite suay in playing human knots, cause im always among the last few to get out=( lols even wen qing oso said tt haha cause during lvl camp we were in the same grp and we oso played tis game and once again i was the last few to get entangled -.-'''
- dog and bone:
quite hilarious haha! i was no. 3 in tt game=) den everytym aft each rnd sara wld announce the scores den got this tym announced 3:4 and me[3] and crystabelle[4] tot tt she was calling our number and both of us chiong out haha but it turned out tt she was onli announcing the scores[oops so malu haha] ^^
last but not least we had our ^^steamboat^^ at the hostel, it was vry funnn! the food was quite yummy! we oso rao-ed yu sheng wif p2[ but the consequences of aft the yu sheng rao-ing quite disastrous o.o lols we had lots of yu sheng all over p1's table even on top of the 'steamboat lid' haha den the table was oso quite ..... with yu sheng(s) all over haha but overall the rao-ing process quite fun haha=)
whee wad a nice friday!!^^
[shall post the pics some other days=)]

Sat[31st jan]:
omg i woke up lyk ard 1 plus! i cant believe i slept from fri 11 plus pm till sat 1 plus[ total 13 hrs =S]..... sian hav alot of hmwk given den still not done yet somemore still hav to bai nian[ but im looking forward for it, haha cos got ang bao$$] looks lyk hav to chiong on sun bah[sigh]....
went to my auntie's hse bout 7plus, den ate dinner, chat chat with my cousins and played with their dog^^ omg the dog very cute and active but sadly forgot to take photos of it=( aft tt left their hse and i reached home closed to 1230am[wah vry tired but it's still a nice day=)]....

chionged hmwk in morning, den went for guitar lessons den come back chiong hmwk again[ but got brain stuck sian] den went to eat dinner, den came back and started to chiong hmwk again but totally brainstuck, haiz so decide to go sch tml and ask haha=)

tag replies:
to shirlyn: lols u vry da pai leh haha kk lah put ur link at the top kk^^
to michelle: haha agree listen too much bad for health=) listen to much= sleep[ which is indeed not too good for health lols
to wen xin: lols u making a cheer for me haha, will link u soon=) lols the qian bian tcher quite qian bian so i forgot his name... lols
to charmaine: ^^ will link u soon=)

kk shall go memorise my cheng yus liao =(

writtern @3:40 AM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hiii ppl! long tym since i last posetd[maybe bout half a yr ago o.o], so shall post a short post bah=)

today's such a sleepy day lorrr..... basically my brain just go on and off in diff. lessons.... the most memorable lesson of the day for me was physics bah haha=) our tcher didnt come so got another relief tcher take over instead o.O before he stepped into 3G everybody was lyk chionging to choose the subj they want for VIVA and lotsa ppl were squeezing and somehow screaming while ticking their choices[ including me... but i didnt scream hehe^^] Suddenly, he just stepped in shouted at us and every1 quickly scurried back to their seats[wahh quite scary.....] he also crunched the viva sheet and threw into the rubbish bin[ o.o quite serious werh....] but soon everyth went back to normal lah juz tt his lesson is slightly more chiiim and boring....(-.-")

BP lesson was oso quite funny=) cause i have another classsmate with the exact same chinese name[ cool rite=)] our tcher was giving instruction for an activity, den she decided to giv us some examples by calling out some names, and coincidently, she called," chen shu hui!" and me and sook wei stared each other[oops...] but the tcher quite smart hah she saw tt there's actually 2 'chen shu hui' s in the class haha[ she's 1 of the 1st tcher i think, to noticce tt] shall cut short abit now proceed on to wad happen bah=) during the acivity we're supp to pass the pink paper with our chi names ard so the classmates can write their well wishes to us^^ but ard 5mins later ppl started asking," eh? which shu hui is this?!" haha aft a few rounds of passing the pp ard and a few tyms of asking "which shu hui is this?" she finally asked me to write my eng name down to hlp stop the confusion hahas=)

hope tt tml wld be a nice day=) and can't wait for tml cause gonna hav reunion dinner with guides, whee^^

writtern @5:19 AM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

testing testing^^

writtern @4:49 AM